Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's Time...I'm Done!

Oh my word, so no pictures to go along with this one because they would just be too disturbing to show you.  Hadley's new trick recently has been taking off her clothes AND diaper every time she goes down for bed or a nap.  Well, it was all plain innocence until Monday morning, she had pee'd on her carpet and then I knew I needed to regroup and start potty training her, but I'm teaching Joy School this week along with other things so I can't devote enough time to starting just yet.  Any who, After her nap that same afternoon, I open the door to get her out for the rest of the day and I feel something cold and squishy on my bare foot.  Yup, you guessed it.  I've been hit by a pile of poop.  I continued opening the door as I looked don and found not one, not 2 but 3 piles of poop right there on the carpet in front of her door.  I was so mortified because I hadn't dealt with this before.  She was naked again and wanting out, but had poop crusted on her legs, bum and blankets and such nearby.

Because I opened the door, I also sadly smeared poop on the bottom of her door.  Smart, eh?  So, I plucked her out and put her in the tub after cleaning off my foot and proceeded to grab paper towels to pick up the piles of waste and get rid of them.  Them I focused on scrubbing her down and getting her re-dressed for the day.  After quarantining her and her brother down stairs, I got out my wet vac to start cleaning up the stuff I couldn't pick up.  An hour and a half later, I felt satisfied that I was able to get it all clean and sanitized.  There went my afternoon for sure.

So what wasn't very funny in the moment is now not so bad reflecting on it, but I still need to get the stuff ready to potty train our little angel.


Adventures in Healing said...

Oh joy. I am so sorry.

Amanda J said...

Ha ha! I can relate to that!!