Thursday, October 9, 2008

An Uphill Struggle

I figured it has been a while so I should update everyone on how Hadley is doing.  She is totally not interested in potty training yet and after having continuous days of cleaning up accidents in her room from still getting backwards diapers, onesies and jammies off through the neck hole, my desperation turned to a new leaf as I tried to figure out how to handle the situation.  I am happy to say that we have made some milestones.  We are accident free for almost a week now.  She seems to not be able to get her diaper off while having the top be duct taped shut.  I think after many sessions of no's, she finally gets that her accidents were unacceptable.  Also, thanks to a certain blacklight on loan as well as a deep cleaner vacuum cleaner, her room is a whole lot more sanitary and smelling good which I am grateful for so there is the update on that.  Hopefully, in a couple more months, we can attempt potty training again.  We shall see though.

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