Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Shouldn't Play With Fans

What can I say? Other than, we don't play with fans.

I was downstairs getting some things together and all of a sudden I hear crying and "Help!"

Hayden then reports to me that Hadley's hair is caught on something and they need my help. She comes around the corner and walks down to show me this. She was playing with my portable fan that she found in the upstairs drawers and held it a little too close to her hair.

That baby was wound on there good and tight. It took me a while to free the hair from the actual fan and then even more time spent detangling the massive mess. She kept complaining that it hurt as I combed it out and I kept asking her, "Do we play with fans?"

The answer was always, "No, mommy!" with tears streaming down her face. Lesson learned, I hope.

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