Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family Reunion

Every two years, Jared's family has a reunion and this year, it was local which was nice since we had been traveling so much already.  It was nice to have a break and even better to be able to leave and go home if the kids got totally out of control and hard to handle.  We didn't get to socialize as much this year, but that's okay.  We still got to talk with quite a few people and enjoy ourselves while learning more stories about Jared's Dad and all his siblings.  There were some fun stories to hear about.

We were asked to put together a video presentation for one of the nights and I had fun creating it.  Jared's Aunt Laurie wrote the verb-age and told me what she was going for, a fairy tale story like theme, and I went from there and apparently did a great job.  I wish I had had more pictures to work with, but it still turned out great. One warning is that since it was a time crunch, I didn't take time to fade out the music at the very end so it may be a little abrupt. Here's the end result.

If it doesn't work, click on the following link.  

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