Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Talk In Church

After over 2 1/2 years of laying low, we were finally asked to give a talk in church and it was on one of our most busy weekends.  We both said yes despite having to do a bridal shoot, edit pictures, creating a video montage, family reunion, etc.  I was asked to talk about personal revelation and Jared was asked to talk about the spirit of revelation.  I was a bit worried about how it would all come together, but it worked out good in the end.

We sat in the pew until it was our turn to talk and when I got up to go speak, Hayden turned to us and said, "I have to go potty."  Yeesh.  So Jared left with Hayden and Hadley to the bathroom and Addison stayed in her car seat at the pew while I gave my talk.  Good thing she was content and sleeping for some of it.

I learned a couple new things while writing the talk and if you are interested in reading it, let me know and I'll send it to you.

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